Are you looking for someone to complete your Building Information Models to a recognised Level 2 standard [COBie / NBS]? Well look no further.
What is Building Information Modelling (BIM)?
Since 2011 building design in a 3D environment and the use of its intelligent models has been on a rapid increase. Therefore forcing digital technology (BIM) to become one of the most effective ways to plan and design construction projects. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is now compulsory on all public sector construction projects. With the Public sector making up a majority share of projects requiring everyone to support this industry shift. The UK Government announced that BIM will become compulsory on ALL UK Public projects from 2016.
We at CL Design Solutions LTD can provide this service, all BIM models are created as families of a particular product (variations of one product) with relevant COBie data and detailing. Models will contain all the technical information required for the customer to a level 2 BIM standards.
If you would like any further information please contact me.